Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (2024)

Raw hearts for dogs are muscular organs and a must for raw feeders like myself!

They are part of any premade raw dog food I know. For example, all 10 brands I mention in my blog post All about raw beef dog food feature raw heart in their complete recipes.

For a good reason!

They certainly make it into my raw dog food rotation too when I make my own raw meals.

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (1)

That said, here’s what I’ll cover in this blog post:

  • Benefits of raw hearts for dogs
  • How much heart to feed dogs + recipe idea
  • Looking at nutrient profiles from hearts of different animals
  • Where to buy raw hearts for dogs besides the grocery store/farm
  • Dehydrated or freeze-dried heart alternatives for dogs

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (2)

Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links. I may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you.

Optional: Use the links below to quickly jump to a specific section

  • Benefits of Raw Heart for Dogs
    • Heart is a muscular organ.
    • Raw hearts in general are rich in the following nutrients:
  • How Much Heart to Feed Dogs
    • Raw Dog Food Recipe Idea with Raw Heart
  • Looking At Nutrient Profiles of Hearts from Different Animals
    • Next up, let’s look at the nutrient profiles of hearts from:
    • Raw Chicken Hearts for Dogs
    • Raw Beef Heart for Dogs
    • Raw Turkey Hearts for Dogs
    • Raw Pork Hearts for Dogs
    • Raw Deer Hearts for Dogs
    • Raw Lamb Hearts for Dogs
    • Raw Rabbit Hearts for Dogs
    • Raw Goat Hearts for Dogs
    • Raw Duck Hearts for Dogs
  • Dehydrated or Freeze-Dried Heart Alternatives for Dogs
  • Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat: Bottom Line
  • Related Reading:

Benefits of Raw Heart for Dogs

For starters, let’s define what raw hearts are and what buckets they fall into in raw feeding.

If you’re not aware of the different components and meat categories in raw feeding, here’s a super quick run down of what raw dog food for adult dogs consists of:

  • Muscle meat, 70%
  • Raw meaty bones, 10%
  • Secreting organs, 10% (5% liver, 5% other secreting organs)
  • Plant matter (8% veggies & fruit, 2% seeds & nuts)

For much more detailed information about the different components in raw feeding, check out What does balanced raw dog food consist of?

Now, back to classifying raw hearts.

Heart is a muscular organ.

As such, it’s fed as muscle meat, not as a secreting organ although it falls into the offal category. Offal are the consumable organs of animals.

While hearts ARE a heart working organ, they don’t secrete a substance.

That’s a prerequisite in order to be considered a secreting organ in raw feeding.

That means hearts are not fed as secreting organs like liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, brains, thymus, eyeballs and reproductive organs.

However, while muscle meat makes up 70% of raw dog food for adult dogs, you can’t just feed 70% of hearts in that category.

That would be way too much because:

  • Organs are very rich and can cause diarrhea if they’re overfed
  • That raw meal would be nutrient deficient as different cuts of meat from different animals have different nutrient profiles

Instead, you’ll want to feed a mix of different cuts of muscle meats.

For example, some trim, some lung, some heart, some breast meat, some green tripe, etc. More on how much heart to feed your pup in a moment.

But first, let’s take a look at what you’ll find in hearts.

Raw hearts in general are rich in the following nutrients:

  • Zinc. Supports a strong immune system & a healthy thyroid.
  • Iron. Helps enzymes function normally, creates red blood cells, boosts oxygen supply & promotes a healthy liver.
  • Taurine. Boosts normal heart function and acts as an antioxidant.
  • Magnesium. Helps absorb other minerals and vitamins.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Functions as an antioxidant that supports heart health, helps regulate blood pressure & boosts collagen for skin, coat and joint health.
  • B Vitamins including Folate. They have a strong cardio protective effect and support tissue growth, cell division, normal blood & immune function.

They’re also used in glandular or organ therapy.

That’s the concept of “like supports like”.

So a dog with liver problems benefits from eating liver, puppies whose brains are still developing benefit greatly from eating raw brains, just like senior pups who are prone to dementia, etc.

Likewise, dogs with heart conditions such as DCM (Dilated Cardiomyopathy) can benefit from eating hearts.

Good to know: The harder a muscle works, the richer it is in taurine. Besides heart, ruminant tongues are very rich in taurine as well! That’s because they’re busy chewing their cud.

How Much Heart to Feed Dogs

Since organs like hearts are a lot richer in nutrients than cuts of muscle meat, dogs need to eat considerably less of them.

Makes sense, right?

I find that it helps to picture the internal anatomy of an animal. For example, that of a cow, of a chicken or of a pig.

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (3)

This is a good guide when you’re figuring out how much of what you can feed.

Think about what all it consists of. Mostly skin and muscles, along with its internal organs like the heart, the lung, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, etc.

Keeping that in mind, you can feed about 5-10% of your dog’s daily raw dog food intake in heart.

For a 60lb adult dog who’s moderately active, that would be 1.2-2.4oz per day.

The next section explains how to do that math.

Raw Dog Food Recipe Idea with Raw Heart

Let’s stick with the 60lb adult dog who’s fed at a maintenance percentage of 2.5% of his target body weight. More on percentages in raw feeding here.

To figure out how much raw dog food he needs to eat on a daily basis, we divide his weight by 100, and then we multiply it by 2.5%:

60/100 = 0.6 x 2.5 = 1.5lbs or 24oz

Of those 24 oz, he needs roughly the following amounts per day. I say roughly because it’s OK to achieve balance (for adult dogs, puppies are different) over the course of 7-10 days:

  • 70% muscle meat = 16.8oz.
  • 10% raw meaty bones = 2.4oz
  • 5% liver & 5% other secreting organs = 1.2oz of each
  • 10% plant matter = 2.4oz

As far as heart, you can feed 5-10% of the 24% = 1.2-2.4oz.

Here’s a raw dog food recipe idea for the 60lb dog featuring chicken hearts:

  • 10oz Ground beef
  • 1oz Mackerel
  • 2oz Chicken hearts
  • 7oz Turkey neck (includes 2.8oz bone & 4.2oz muscle meat)
  • 1.2oz Deer liver
  • 1.2oz Deer spleen
  • 2.4oz Puréed Spinach/red beets/soaked ground almond mix

Looking At Nutrient Profiles of Hearts from Different Animals

Here’s the moment where I start preaching about the importance of rotating again!

Because here’s the deal.

Different cuts of meat within an animal have different nutrients.

So do different animals.

For example, pork liver has different nutrients from pork heart and pork ribs.

And each of those differ from turkey liver, turkey heart and turkey bones.

That’s why it’s important to rotate not only the different cuts you feed within an animal, but also the animals (=protein sources) themselves!

When you rotate on a regular basis, you ensure that your dog doesn’t have any nutritional imbalances.

Especially when you feed meat from happy animals that were grass-fed/allowed to roam and help themselves to insects etc.

Pair that with a yearly checkup at the vet’s that includes a blood panel, and you’ll be on your way to successfully feeding your pup raw dog food.

Next up, let’s look at the nutrient profiles of hearts from:

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Pork
  • Deer
  • Lamb

You’ll see that chicken hearts, for example, are a lot richer in Folate and Vitamin A than beef heart, and turkey & lamb hearts don’t have any Folate at all.

So if, for example, you only fed turkey hearts, your pup would be missing out on Folate.

Just FYI, I was also looking for detailed nutrient profiles of hearts from rabbit, duck and goat as I’ve fed hearts from those animals as well.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find them anywhere. Once/if I do, I’ll add them to this blog post.

I’ll also mention which US raw dog food retailers carry the respective raw hearts for dogs.

One more thing up front: While I find it interesting to look at the different nutrient profiles of specific cuts of meat, you don’t have to do that to successfully feed raw dog food!

I do it every now and then because I enjoy nerding out about it, but again, YOU don’t have to.

It’s fine to use a common sense approach and just rotate your cuts of meat and your protein sources regularly.

If nothing else, remember this: Raw feeding can be as complicated as you allow it to get!

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (4)

Raw Chicken Hearts for Dogs

100grams/3.5oz of raw chicken hearts have the following key nutrients (FYI: micrograms is smaller than milligrams):

  • Zinc: 6.59mg
  • Iron: 5.96mg
  • Vitamin A: 9.0mcg
  • B1 (Thiamin): 0.152mg
  • B3 (Niacin): 4.883mg
  • B9 (Folate): 72.0mcg
  • B12 (Cobalamin): 7.29mcg
  • Magnesium: 15.0 mg
  • Vitamin D: 0mcg

US raw dog food retailers who carry chicken hearts:

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (5)

Raw Beef Heart for Dogs

100grams/3.5oz of raw beef heart have the following key nutrients (FYI: micrograms is smaller than milligrams):

  • Zinc: 1.70mg
  • Iron: 4.31mg
  • Vitamin A: 0mcg
  • B1 (Thiamin): 0.238mg
  • B3 (Niacin): 7.530mg
  • B9 (Folate): 3.0mcg
  • B12 (Cobalamin): 8.55mcg
  • Magnesium: 21.0 mg
  • Vitamin D: 0mcg

US raw dog food retailers who carry beef hearts:

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (6)

Raw Turkey Hearts for Dogs

100grams/3.5oz of raw turkey heart have the following key nutrients (FYI: micrograms is smaller than milligrams):

  • Zinc: 3.21mg
  • Iron: 3.70mg
  • Vitamin A: 82mcg
  • B1 (Thiamin): 0.165mg
  • B3 (Niacin): 6.440mg
  • B9 (Folate): 0.0mcg
  • B12 (Cobalamin): 13.3mcg
  • Magnesium: 21.0 mg
  • Vitamin D: 0.40mcg

US raw dog food retailers who carry turkey hearts:

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (7)

Raw Pork Hearts for Dogs

100grams/3.5oz of raw pork heart have the following key nutrients (FYI: micrograms is smaller than milligrams):

  • Zinc: 2.8mg
  • Iron: 4.68mg
  • Vitamin A: 8mcg
  • B1 (Thiamin): 0.613mg
  • B3 (Niacin): 6.765mg
  • B9 (Folate): 4.0mcg
  • B12 (Cobalamin): 3.79mcg
  • Magnesium: 19.0 mg
  • Vitamin D: 0mcg

US raw dog food retailers who carry pork hearts:

Raw Deer Hearts for Dogs

100grams/3.5oz of deer hearts have the following general key nutrients (FYI: micrograms is smaller than milligrams):

  • Zinc: 1.57mg
  • Iron: 5.19mg
  • Vitamin A: 15mcg
  • B1 (Thiamin): 0.46mg
  • B3 (Niacin): 4.42mg
  • B9 (Folate): 2.81mcg
  • B12 (Cobalamin): 7.0mcg
  • Magnesium: 20mg
  • Vitamin D: 0.2mcg

Venison hearts are rarely available for sale from raw dog food retailers, at least from the ones I’m aware of.

That’s why your best bet is to locate a wildlife processor and ask them if they have any and are willing to part with them.

Alternatively, you can hunt your own. That’s what my boyfriend does and we also made friends with a wildlife processor in NC.

Check out my blog post on more information about feeding your dog wild raw venison here.

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (8)

Raw Lamb Hearts for Dogs

100grams/3.5oz of raw lamb heart have the following key nutrients (FYI: micrograms is smaller than milligrams):

  • Zinc: 1.65mg
  • Iron: 3.29mg
  • Vitamin A: 5.0mcg
  • B1 (Thiamin): 0.520mg
  • B3 (Niacin): 5.757mg
  • B9 (Folate): 0mcg
  • B12 (Cobalamin): 8.40mcg
  • Magnesium: 20.0 mg
  • Vitamin D: 0mcg

US raw dog food retailers who carry lamb hearts:

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (9)

Raw Rabbit Hearts for Dogs

I haven’t found a detailed nutrient profile for raw rabbit hearts yet.

US raw dog food retailers who carry rabbit hearts:

Raw Goat Hearts for Dogs

I haven’t found a detailed nutrient profile for raw goat hearts yet.

US raw dog food retailers who carry goat hearts:

Raw Duck Hearts for Dogs

I haven’t found a detailed nutrient profile for raw duck hearts yet.

Update: One of my readers, SonJa, shared the nutrient profile for raw duck hearts with me via the animaldietformulator app– thank you!!

Related Reading: Animal Diet Formulator Review of the Individual Version

  • Zinc: 3.44mg
  • Iron: 5.00mg
  • Vitamin A: 32.45mcg
  • B1 (Thiamin): 0.28mg
  • B3 (Niacin): 3.26mg
  • B9 (Folate): 90.36mcg
  • B12 (Cobalamin): 23.74mcg
  • Magnesium: 13.2 mg
  • Vitamin D: 10mcg

US raw dog food retailers who carry duck hearts:

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (10)

Dehydrated or Freeze-Dried Heart Alternatives for Dogs

Besides feeding your dog raw hearts, you can also make your own dehydrated hearts (and/or other dehydrated treats). All you need is cut up fresh raw heart etc. and a dehydrator.

Slice the hearts up, place them onto the dehydrator trays and let the low heat tool work its magic!

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (11)

This makes a great homemade Valentine’s Day dog treat for your pup, too.

For more DIY cute dog treats, check out my blog post 20 Easy No Bake Valentine’s Day Dog Treats. Obviously, you can offer them whenever, not just on V Day!

Another alternative are store-bought freeze-dried hearts – these are great to use as food toppers for picky eaters or to use in treat-dispensing dog toys!

For example:

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (12)

Another favorite in our pack is Real Dog’s air-dried treat/chew subscription box. Pictured below is Missy with some of their air-dried pork hearts.

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (13)

Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat: Bottom Line

So there’s my take on raw hearts for dogs!

Heart is a nutrient-dense power house that’s frequently added to premade raw dog food recipes.

I also include it in my own raw dog food rotation where I feed it alongside a plethora of other cuts of meat.

Unlike secreting organs like liver, kidney, pancreas and others, remember that raw heart is a muscular organ that’s fed as muscle meat in raw feeding.

That said, you can add 5-10% of raw heart to your adult dog’s daily raw meals.

Remember to rotate between the animals you feed heart from as their nutrient profiles differ.

Hearts also make great snack rewards for dogs as well as training treats.

If you’re up for it, you can make your own heart treats using a dehydrator. Or you can offer store-bought ones.

Both options have their pros & cons, so go for the one that works best for you!

More Muscle Meat Entries
  • Raw lung for dogs
  • Raw trachea for dogs
  • Organ meat for dogs recipe
  • Secreting organs for raw dog food
  • What does balanced raw dog food consist of?
  • Raw liver for dogs: All your questions answered

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Why Raw Hearts For Dogs Are A Powerful Raw Organ Meat - K9sOverCoffee - A Dog Health & Raw Dog Food Blog (2024)


Is raw heart good for dogs? ›

In many raw diets heart is classified as a muscle meat. Although the heart does not have the same function as skeletal muscles, it is a muscular organ. The heart is one of the hardest working muscles in the body. It is recommended to include a small amount of heart in the muscle meat portion of a puppy's daily diet.

What is the healthiest organ meat for dogs? ›

A serving of liver contains 10 to 100 times the nutrients found in a serving of muscle meat. One of the most nutrient-rich organs available, it's loaded with protein, iron, B vitamins, vitamin A, CoQ10 and essential fatty acids, so tell your pup to eat up! The CoQ10 found in liver is twofold in important uses!

What is the most nutritious raw meat for dogs? ›

According to most raw feeders, dogs should eat muscle meat (hamburger, chicken, turkey), as well as a healthy array of organ meat (heart, liver, kidneys), whole fish, and raw meaty bones (aka RMBs).

Why are vets against raw diets? ›

Several studies reported in peer-reviewed scientific journals and product recalls have demonstrated that raw or undercooked animal-sourced protein may be contaminated with a variety of pathogenic organisms, including Salmonella spp, Campylobacter spp, Clostridium spp, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and ...

Can dogs eat hearts everyday? ›

Chicken hearts can be given as a treat every day, though it is important to only give chicken hearts from trusted sources.

What dogs should not eat raw meat? ›

Feeding a diet consisting primarily of raw meat may not provide the complete and balanced nutrition your dog needs. This is particularly true for puppies, whose dietary needs are complex as they grow and develop. The same goes for senior dogs, who may have weakened immune systems and more sensitive digestive systems.

What is the one meat that dogs should avoid? ›

You should avoid cuts of chicken that are high in fats or include the skins. Chicken fats can cause digestive issues and can cause the dreaded pancreatitis. You should also never give your dog raw store-bought chicken due to the risk of bacterial infections from salmonella and Campylobacter bacteria.

What is the healthiest meat for dogs? ›

Some of the better options for lean meat cuts are chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef such as sirloin or flank steak, and pork tenderloin. These kinds of cuts can be boiled, baked, or grilled, but you'll want to avoid adding seasonings or other ingredients that might be harmful to your dog.

Can dogs get too much organ meat? ›

Balance Is Key: Organ meats should only make up a small portion of your dog's diet. A common guideline is that organ meats should not exceed 10% of the overall diet, with liver making up no more than 5%. Variety: Offer a variety of organ meats (liver, kidneys, heart, etc.) to provide a range of nutrients.

Does raw meat make dogs stronger? ›

A raw diet can help your dog have more energy, healthier skin, and cleaner teeth. Meat on the bone can reduce bad breath and improve dental hygiene in dogs . The high protein content of a raw diet can also help your dog's muscles get stronger.

Are raw eggs good for dogs? ›

According to PetMD, "there is no nutritional benefit in feeding raw eggs to dogs." There are more concerns associated with feeding your dog raw eggs. If your dog eats any raw food, they risk contracting a salmonella infection, which may cause fever, vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.

Can dogs eat raw meat everyday? ›

While their bodies do still have the ability to digest raw animal protein, it's not a good idea to feed them raw meat. That's because raw meat and fish can cause serious health issues like food poisoning, which can even make you and other members of your household sick—not just your dog.

What is the raw dog food scandal? ›

The voluntary recall included products shipped to over 1,500 customers, specifically Viva's Duck for Dogs (chunked) product. A pet food recall was announced recently after investigators conducted a test for Salmonella and Listeria which came back as positive.

Why raw is not good for dogs? ›

Potential risks include: Threats to human and dog health from bacteria in raw meat. An unbalanced diet that may damage the health of dogs if given for an extended period. Potential for whole bones to choke an animal, break teeth or cause an internal puncture.

Why are vets against homemade food? ›

There are many inadequate, and sometimes dangerous recipes, available to owners,” says Dr. Larsen. “There are now many studies demonstrating that most of these are not balanced.” Some of these may cause deficiencies in your dog's diet, while others may lead to an excess of certain nutrients.

Can you feed a dog raw deer heart? ›

It's not legal to feed game meat to pets or livestock, however it is legal to feed pets the the skin, guts, heads, or bones of game legally taken - after the salvage of edible meat. This can introduce parasites. Ken Marsh photo.

Can dogs eat raw beat? ›

Can My Dog Eat Fresh Beets? Fresh beets are, in fact, the best option, and you can feed them to your dog either cooked or raw. As with all vegetables, raw beets will have the most nutritional bang for your buck. Organic beets are the safest choice; they're grown without pesticides and other chemicals.

Can dogs eat raw fish hearts? ›

Never serve your dog raw fish. Raw fish can contain dangerous bacteria and parasites, such as Salmonella and listeria that can make your dog very sick. We recommend you to always heat your fish, so harmful bacteria and parasites won't stand a chance.

What is a good raw treat for dogs? ›

Raw meaty bones

Turkey or duck necks, lamb or beef ribs, ostrich bones and duck feet are all great options. For more information on feeding bones to dogs, take a look at our all you need to know guide.


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.