The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)



MARCH 1863. MORNING'S REPORT- A special to the Tribune froni WashinVtoa XO. 17 CHEROKEE STREET City USTews. Received at Hershfield by express, yesterday dozen silver'Amerlcan lever watches, of the different qualities of movemeuti. The cases we have manufactured ourselves tn New York, which enables ug to make them of the best quality of Kilyer heavy in weight, and better style than any case we coald buy ready made.

We hare our stamp in every case of Portland, Marcliol syn 'English statesman, itrpa recentpT Additional Hibernian news Meetings. vate letter, says the reaction in favor of the We are indebted to Hon. C. B. Pierce for lectures, in favor of President Lincoln's Union cause is so strong in Great Britain emancipation proclamation were of daily oc that no Cabinet which should take steps to late papers.

"Corner of Thira, LEAVER-WORTH, KAHSA8, currence in. various parts ot gland. wards a recognition ot the Southern Confed our manufacture. By this process we are enabled to seU an American lever watch, with Jine silver and heavy cases, made to suit Kansas men: Call and examine them Wi call the attention of horse dealers to An imposing demonstration was expected eracy could live an hour. r-f 1 1 of Horse Farrier, in this at 'the ampitheatre the day the Hibernian sailed.

the adrertiaement morning's paper. Stafford C. March 3. and satisfy yourselves. At Hershfield Mitchell, 45 itettiwwtitreet Jfrf fiet-shfieia, jbf thabove; flrml is now 'in New York, and he Is now sending ma goods every Cabt.

Bchultz," formerly a 'resident of i Resolutions and" addresses which were to Alose, recently headed a- body of Union cav oe proposed, empnatically approve bis anti- A Good Appointment. Got. Carney has -5 slavery policy. A crowded meeting -on the alry to that neighborhood, to surprise guerillas under-the notoricrasnCaptrMaseleyw -The day, which you will And always ready for sale at reasonable prices, and, perhaps, considerable lower than elsewhere. feb28 dlw appointed Edward Ruaacll, of Doniphan subject was neid at ot.

James Hall, London. on the 18th nit. reoeis were surprised, and some thirty pris countj, Quartermaster General of the State. oners taken. The escape of the rest of the The speakers Indulged in bitter invectives HIDES.

$50,000 LEATHER- ft v. j. s. guerilla! was owing to the fact of Schultz's fl'liaif wiI1 "sell, or a valuable against the Lord Mayor and Mr. Mason, for i Worth bf GOVERNMENT VOUCHERS the iateanairat the Mansion House banouet.

force being less than that of the enemy. fafm, andJ all the farming Implements working it, on the 12th of March, at his resi- and resolutions, condemning the Lord Mayor, were unanimously carried. wanted at SCOTT, KERB DRAFTS on all parts I of EUROPE for sale in sums to suit, at "Washington, March 5, SHOE FINDING -The-resignation- of- GeorgeS.BoutweIl. ibe Hank of Mobile had remitted to Lon feb24-dlm SCOTT, KERR -w. 1 r- Commissioner of Internal Revenue, took ef- don JE40.000 in specie, to meet the 'interest 4.

"A 1' a on Alabama bonds. lect.yesieraay. sie, niei wierK, is Alia A Fabic Waxtbdv I-wish- to buy a farm, containing from one hundred: to? three hun 9 a an CE.4 Advices Trom Jrafia mention WAR CLAIM AGENCY, A tor A a w. li that a contract for a Confederate loan has dred acres, within fire miles of the city, for THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT New YorkC March 5. 1P1 as er in Ho A special Washington dispatch "to the Her been received Tor three millions pounds ster ling, in bonds at seven per cent, exchansa fa-renwerth Cityj'', Kans which I wiir pay' cash Address J.

B. K. Plantar' TTntol" till Riin.laii ill i ii vi aid says, notwithstanding the efforts made to Bounties, Back Pay, Teamster Wages t. (if HIUL f' Die against cotton at option. produce the impression: that tb6 Secretary Cf I and claims of very descripUon against the Commissary The London Times, in a city article, says; mw litasury WlireiKBie tne new nnance and Ouartermiitr' DeDartments.

coUeeted on The Mokitor Mill. We are glad to an WILL ALWAT3 FAT TBI tne uoniederate uovernment possesses Jaw IB such a way as to produce still greater able terms and with dispatch. Invalid, widows, children, 2. nounce that the Monitor Saw Mill is again in au means ot transports from the interior to innauon ot the currency, no apprehensions mothers and sister's' Pension aecared with promptness the ports, cotton thus hypothecated will be successful operation, nnder the supervision of in that respect need be entertained. JLThn and certainty.

i T. HIGHEST MARKET RICTUS first available for shipment to Eutodc most familiar with Chase's views and cur- Having been in the businsss the past year, and collect-1 Rumors are circulating that France co'if'- j. ijr the popular owners, Plummer lira. They keep constantly hand, and cat to order, ed during that time a large number of bounties and cora- poses are connaent tnat bis most strenuous siderecL-tbe blockade, at Charleston -raised. efforts will be made to repress any such in li heated Quartermaster and other claims, and many Pensions Tor 'in valids and hairs.

I am" Able to as- Ibe rumor needs confirmation. nation all kinds of Cottonwood lumber. This firm is always on hand, first in the Spring and it is reported a French diplomatic note sure parties that claims placed in my hands, will not fail Washington, March 4. has been sent to Prussia, regarding Prussian last in 'l VSi far want experience erattehtion. i The final adjournment of the Thirty- interference in foland.

All letters of inquiry promptly answered. ine ratne says tne i oiisn insurrection is seventb Congress at noon to-day attracted a Office up stairs. South side Delaware one door West AsiKEtCAK Lever fWAfciiEsn' sifter r.r.f oc i at cecona. t- 4 9 AueB-d7m spreading throughout Poland. large 'attendance at the Capitol, it being im also rot hunlitfg case's!" just received from the manufac Tjie insurgents attached WInchow, on the ALWAYS ON HAND TO SELECT FROM.

possioie aiter an eariy nour mis morning WAR CI. AIM AGENCY. tory.and will be sold at the lowest cash prices iitii, and were repulsed with a loss of six hundreds to gam admittance tdthe galleries FURS, WOOL AUD TALLOW. an31dlr at Davidson's Jewelry Store; NorfonV build- of either House. Although the session lasted nunarea in killed and wounded." Ibe city T.

M. O'BRIJtX. OLIVER DISFSXDORP. Cosisting in: part of tHe ITollbwiiig from yesterday noon till to-day at the same was auerwaras nrea. in, Delaware" street.

As an accurate, time O'BRIEX DIEFJSNDORF, time, it was attended by no scenes of start Meas Calf Kip Boots, Wool! WoU piece they are inferior to none, and are parti 63 Main Street, Iieavenworth, Kansas TT ew ore. JJiarcn d. ling interest Most of the members of -the ularly adapted to army purposes, beinr less Havana advices to 21st, state that the re-cs- Will prepare and collect demands against the Govern Cabinet were present late last night, and du Womens' Lasting Gaiters, Calf BnffLace Boots. -1 Goat and Horocco do. Grain Cavalry Booti, tablishment 90he blockade of Charleston and liable to get out of order than any other watch ring.

tne rest ot tne this mormne. ment for horses and other property lost or destroyed when in the United States service expenses incurred in Oaiveston bas been published in the official while the President remained in the Capitol all night. The only measures which, a ma Balmoral Boots, "2- C'-'O-il'jO paper, it having been commucicated to the in use. f26-dtf Kansas. subsisting and trantptrting troops prior to muster into service soldiers' and pay, bounty -rfS -CT Governor by the Spanish Minister.

a jority of both houses failed to pass, for want I Balmoral 1 Oxford and pensions and every other -speoieaof claim properly oftimcY were the emancipation bills for MisJ CoMiNO I.v. We are informed by Lieut. cnargeaDie le tne umiea laies. I r- VS. I.

li i Washington March 5.. Advices from Caracas state that Gen. Fal lOO.OOOPounds Wanted BontVAlarvIand and Delaware, and one pro Calf, Zip and. Buff Brograns, Boys', Hisses'and Childf ens'-Shoes, Loring that two companies of the First Col I one or, tne firm hanng served some; years as a clerk i viding for Congressional elections in Ten in the Pension and Departments at Washington, 1 hey are I con had'been'dcfeated and fled to the moun orado Cavalry are now on the way to Fort nessee and ruin AT STORE, quite confident of giving entire satisfaction to all parties I tains. In, All Styles: Soon after, noon to-day the Senate con Leavenworth.

Eighteen Companies in all, oaving claims 10 aojusi. i Cor. Cherokee Third Streets. from the First, Second, and Third Colorado, vened in extra session and swore in newly electedmember8. It Js thought the session will last some days.

together with the Ninth. Wisconsin and First WASHisGfoN, March 5. AS I shall pay fer same at highest eash rate." Richmond papers of the 2d. make no men. 'Nit AKT ur are oughtdirectly of the Manufacturer 'r -'-i'tlierebv savincr several tirofits" to dur'TDUversI W.

C. LOBEXSTEDT. Colorado Batteries, are ordered here, and will start to join the Army of the South-west jan31-dly lion ot ailairs at Vicksburg. USa? 5 March Boats from Lake Providence, on Friday, Charleston dates of 1st. are received.

Tho. NEW RESTAURANT I steamer DoaglasVfrom had: ran; -the report an extensive conflagration bf which Diociiaue. A dispatch from Savannah of the 1st. denies the greater portion of-JtheJtown was burned, together with a large amount of commissary Dobson McLean, the report of Fort McA Ulster beine1 taken bv S3'- stores. A canal barse with rroDellers has ri 1TT9 RTnn-n- nv-- federals, but; sajs the steamer-Nashville- AVUTG just opened their new Restaurant on Shaw- been hauled overland on sleds from the Mis ii 1 1 nee street, two doors east of Brown's stable, lake ran aground near the Fort and was destroyed .1 1 pleasure in informing their friends and the public that I sissippi and launched into the Lake for the purpose of exploring it and the neighboring uy cuerai iron ciaus.

tney are now preparea xo lurnisn to customers ail kinds S3 bayous. For, Rent. The HibernianXmnooK WINES OX or about the first of April, one of the finest residences in the moat, pleasant part of the citv. to- 1 with Save Money by Purchasing of TJs. DEAIiERSoEXPLUSIYEL IN.

THAT LINE. gether furniture, to a genteel family rithout child- to me linn, Has arrived. feb'25-dlw btratheden gave notice in the House A TTmTWT BILLIARD SALOON of Lords that on the 23d of February he should move for copies of dispatches and letters from Mr. Mason to the English Govern- IX THE I WILL SELL AT PTBLIC AUCTION' on SATURDAY, March 7th. at 10 o'clock A.

at Tholen's Stable, SERVED l'r IX THE meat, in relation to the claim of the Confed opposite the Mansion House, the following property; BUILDING LARGE BRICIL immediately on their arrival. Good Entertainment. At the German Theatre, on Saturday night, Mr. J. R.

Ilealey, the popular and well known artiste, will receive a Grand Benefit. Mr. O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Walters, M'lle Aubrey, Mr.

C.B. Brace, and a score of other talent, will appear. The plays selected for the-occasion are "The Merry Monarch," and "Precious Betsey. Songs will be sung by the most popular vocalists in the West. Mr.

J. R. Ilealey, himself, will appear, which of itself is enough to draw a crowd. It will be the best thing of the season. Terrible Accident.

Yesterday morning, about nine o'clock, a terrible and nearly fatal accident occurred at Piper's wood yard. A boy, about eight years of age, named Thomas Brown, was standing by a horse power saw in the yard, paying for some wood, when the wind blew hi coat tail upon the saw. The boy waa instantly jerked over on to the saw, which cut him horribly upon the side of the leg, hip, and side, and threw him about ten feet, on to a wood pile. The boy is the son of a poor widow woman in this city. His wounds, though most terrible his leg having been cut to the bone are not "considered erates to be acknowledged iby Great Britain.

BUST STYLE OP THE ART SUTLERS SUPPLIED "WITH GOODS Cor. Shawnee and Second SM The nation which the Northern traitors are ADAPTED TO THE SERVICE. destined to live in is damnation. The Table will be supplied vrilk the betL Opeirat all benrs ef the day and night. They will accommodate day boarders at three dollars I if i 3 IIUGCilKS, lO HOltSES.

AvT'-'x 1 LtMBERAVAGOSi. Several good Setts Harness, both- single and double. In fact the wohle Uvery Stock will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder, as Mr. Tholen is about to change his business 5 a This sale is positive and no postponement on account of weather. r.

ALONZO HASTINGS, Auctioneer. feb28dlw SEARS EABLE, NO. 44 DELAWAEE BTHEET. per week and furnish all kinds of meals at all ebl7-tf- IX FORMATION WANTED. Business House! On el a ware Street for Sale.

boy about I eves, and I OF EDMUND MONTGOMERY COURSAXT, a ten years of age has light hair, black 3E now occupied by H. Allen, (Furniture Deal-I 24 feet front by sixty teet deep. Lease six freckles on his face is quick spoken. When he leffehad years to run. Possession given April 1st.

For further on a black taatufroek coat, and butternot colored pants; particulars enquire or If. APPLtGATE, He was last dvei on Saturday evening, and any informa STETTAXTER- 4 AUCTION-SAIiE OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES feb28dlw 20, lelaware Bt. tion left at at, Brown's Brick Stable will be thankfully re ceived, and tne inlormant rewarded tor iui trouble, dtf D. COURSANT. 1 arties leaving in ueau wxu always Had any nsase open, and everything in my line will be supplied at few minutes notice.

THE BILLIARD TABLES are new, just frora the Manufactory, and pat np in a room, unequalled for elegance. ASPLENDID BAlt $PPPLIEI WITH THE FINEST LIQWGM. JjToT7d3m J. lCm Sc DEALERS IN Books, Stationeryr Fancy Goods FEKFUMERY, TOYS, vzrim ids) SITUATION' as elerk in a drv eraods store, bv a IWIQ, SF.I.L AT PUBLIC AUCTIOV on WEDXFSDAY, March 18th, at 10 o'c'ock, a. va.

the entire stock and fixtures of the Ions' established 'Drag Siorefor Dr. C. K. Anderson, No. 51 Shawnee street.

In this stock can be found a very choice variety of Drugs and Medicines, Sur young man who has had experience in the busi it mi i ness, and can give the bast of reference. particulars inquire at this office. atf WANTED. STATE SCRIP, NEMAHA COUNTY SCRIP, BROWN COUNTY SCRIP, JACKSON COUNTY SCRIP. April 26 tf SANSON ft AYEN3.

EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE, gical Wines, Liquors, Sic. A choice selection of toilet articles, fine show eases, one splendid up MOORE HAVENS, right chow case, with shelves and drawers, fifteen feet 17 DELAWARE long and nine feet "high, a No; 1 fire and burglar proof sate. lie wuole stock to be sold in lots to suit purchasers. We call the particular attention of country deal Insurance1 Agents, Leavenworth. ers and physicians to this sale, as it is a rare chance to Soutlt Side, between Main Second, FANCY AND STAPLE replenish their stocks at iheir own prices.

Remember Manufacturer of and Dealer in Window Curtains. the day of sale, and don't fail to be on hand. Wall Paper and No. 21 1-2 Delaware Street, mhldtd ALOXZO HASTINGS, Auctioneer. BLAN BOOKS of all kinds and qualities just ree'd by BOOTS JG ENT3 for the following Old and Reliable 1L.

fiJbLAW -a ana tua JAMES B. DAVIS, WALL PAPER and WINDOW CTRTAIXS just ree'd by 1L HAW A- 2d and Shawae STATIONERY of all kinds always on hand by SHAWNEE, bet. ForRTH and Fifth -AND FIRE, LIFE, ASD The Seaman Affair. ITie following are the particulars of the cause of the arrest of Benjamin Seaman, a private in the then 3d Kansas regiment, for shooting a man named Bates, of the same regiment. While the regiment was at Humansville, this Bates attempted to commit a rape upon a girl, and killed her father who attempted to atop Capt.

Seamans of Bates' company, ordered a file of men to arrest and shoot Bates on the spot Bates, however, got wind of the affair, and deserted. By order of Capt Seaman; lie was followed by a squad of men, M. ft Zd and Ehan LE DIARIES FOR 1863 just ree'd bv 1L. SIIAW i. 2d and Ehav Inland Marine Insurance Co's, ,7 Undertaker Blanufactureri STETTAU TOYS OF ALL KINDS just ree'd by M-SHAW 2d and Shawnee.

FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, POCKET BOOKS at M. SHAW and Shawnee -j s. ASO PKA1KR Incorporated 1821. 4 MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Furniture, Caskets and Metallic Bury EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE Cap- Boots Slaoes- HAVING on hand the largest stock of Home-Made BOOTS AND SHOES in the State of Kansas, and west of St. Louis; also in Ladies; Children's and Misses' Gaiters and Bootees, the subscriber is prepared to suit home customers to a T.

aDealfrs in Boots and Shoes in the country will please take notice that the undersigned is prepared to fill any contract they may choose to make at reasonable terms, with home-made work. j27-d3m FRANK ZIPP. ing Cases, No. 102 Delaware st. was Benjamin Seman, a cousin among which LEATENW0UTI1.

KANSAS. New York. YANKEE NOTIONS, CLOTHING They found Bates, and Benja-vIIe is under arrest for murder. of the Capt. xnin shot him.

TTEARSES and Carriages furnished for Funerals. XX N. B. Can be found at the corner of Miami and fat bixth streets, nights and Sundays r. BKIXNKR.

'-BVGB li WBlf JSO. K. XAKICKSOK. Late of the Firm of.Wm. Spear Glasgow, Mo.

skiiraER white Manufacturers of Tobacco, No. 14 Pine Street, between Slain and ad, STETTAUER Ko. 55 'L Shawnee jShawnet ft. i One el the Oldest Stock' Insurance Companies ia the Union. cash capitaITahd surplus, WM, PITT PALMER, i Andrew J.

Insure Building, Merchandise, and other Property, against Loss or Damage by Fire, at rates as low as other first class Stock Companies. Particular attention given to the Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings and their Furniture, for One, Three or Five Years. -v "-fTV Losses equitably adjusted, and promptly paid. '1 The Ore at Jobbing IDry Coods HoiiseV MO. ST.

LOUIS, Captain Seaman claims that he himself is re sponsible for the act, it having been done by his order. cThere may be some difference between the civil and military authorities in regard to how lie should be tried, whether by civil or military authority. Wk paid a visit to the Fort yesterday. We went in a hack.y The Fort does not present a very busy appearance at present. There are but few troops there.

Ve calkd on Lieut; Sachs and found him busy as usual discharging the arduous duties of Post Adjutant, with his characteristic "energy and promptness. The garrison is certainly very fortunate in having (HAND S0 LWA Jh LEAVENWORTH, KANSAJ STETTAUER BR0. 57, DELAWARE ST. HOvl3dtf a large and wellselected stock of FhobniY Fire Insurance Companrt New York. Hats, Caps Grloves, CALLING the attention of the merchants bf Kansas our card, we would say to them that we have just fitted np the most complete Factories in the State.

Having a large Steam Hydraulic Press and all of our machinery of the' most improved kinds, and in fact our facilities for -manufacturing and the procuring of Fine Leaf Tobacco are not surpassed by any. We are determined to establish a name for our brands. We respectfully ask all to give us a trial. We have abont 1 ,000 Boxes of Spear Co. assorted brands of Chewing Tobacco, and also 300 Bales Smoking Tobacco on hand, SKINNER.

WHITE CO. feb8-dtf i iii MANSION HOUSED M. n. INSLEY, WM. J.

CHANDLER, clbbk. Corner of Shawnee and Fifth I.eaveu'W'ortli-.I'i"'.--rri '-5 itknsas. Stages to all parts of the State leave (his House every-, morning. Free Omnibus to and from the Coat. The Mansion House has recently been newly papered and painted and remodelled.

It is now the most convenient and commodious Hotel in the West. Dec 24 dtf Farm for Bent in Leavenworth TO a GerrnanWith rmall family, tlial understand Gardening, Grape Culture and Fruit Growing to one that is industrious anil. competent, I will offer inducements 60 acre rato soil, New Two 8tory House, nine rooms, cistern, buttery, presses, porches, 4c, with fire-wood and plenty f- stone eoal, liavjng four grates for "coal I can furnish horses, wagon, cows, poultry, References required. febl3-d2w Jl. Y.

DELAHAY. OAA HEAD OF YOUNG CATTLE, "from one two UUyearsold. WM. H. H.

LATlMEft. Cor. roadway nd Ottawa Sts. Leavenworth, City, Kan sas.Eeb. 27th, 1863.

Tr 1 t. rr No. 65 Bbawnea street. Near the corner of Third. declJ-las HERSHFIELD MITCHELL Fresh Baltimore Oysters- AND RETAIL DEALER3 Capital and Surplus, $305,633.

Insures against Loss or Damage by FireJ Houses, Merchandise, Manufactures, Buildings, Machinery, Vessels and. Cargoes. s. Beekman Fire Insurance Company, CAT ITAL, $300,000 Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire, Houses, Merchandise, Manufactures, Equitable life Assurance Society, RECEIVED DAILY 3y 3E3 3aix2roor3. GOLD SILVER IN FINE TO fTTHE UPPER STORY of the Brick Building, corner of Shawnee and Main streets, over Hemingray it Bank, and lately occupied as the "Inqiirer" Office.

Apply to J. P. SFLLAR, febl8-lw Office of Russell, Majors Waddell. 4T TT mm WATCHES, JEWELRY, AGENTS FOR C. S.

3IAL.TBY. competent an officer in that important position. While we were there, Co. of the 1st Regular Infantry, Captain Offley, left for Fort Lamed. 1 hey will relieve a company of the 2d Regulars now at that post, who will join their regiment at Washington.

The boys took their leave in good spirits. Gen. Blunt'sband, uncfer; charge of Capt. Ilenry Pellage, who by the way is one of the best musicians in the west--escorted the boys out of a spirited air, played as only that band can play. Wo are under- obligations to Lieut.

Thomas, Lient. Loring, Licit. SacWand, Capt. Pellage for courtesies shown ns white there They are i DEPOT AT IMaiillon Pocket Cutlery, Merchant Wanted, T7TTH from one thousand to ten thousand dollars, to open a good either as partner or alone, in a beautifully located town, surrounded by fine farms, within twelve miles of our capital. Thia is a rare chance.

Address this office. feb23 r'' 1 try hi Staple jandi Fancy; ac fJLel3war on-eei, BKrHrKENSECOND'AlID THIfiD. CATAWBA GRAPE BttlllSiCjAlil'VXNSTBUMEWTS, '-'A r-. 92 PRESENT ASSETS, $315,969 PntELY MCTUAL. The Only ftock Company "Amerjc whoaej Charter requires that THE PROFITS shall, be divided pro rata among the policy holders.

The success of this Society has not ben equalled by that of any Company over organized, either in or America. MOORE k. HAVENS, Aokvts, in yfm, Pavidaon's Jewelry Store, fl0-3m No 21 Delaware street. FOR THE SPRING, Violin Strings, Spectacles, all good men and true. THE ABOVE OYSTERS are received DAILY by UNITED STATK3 EXPRESS, and for sale by Can, Half Caayoc Keg.

SALOON8 SUP PLl iD AT THE -f Lowest. Rate. 4 ORDERS from the Country forwrnrded with dispatch. HARMONi1 GALE (Successors te Harmon, Aiken fc Gale,) 53 LAKE STREET. Chicago.

We offer te the trade a large and well selected stock T3H CUTTINGS AND -ROOTS. WOULD hereby respectfully announce to the farmers of Kansas, who desire to engage in the 'CULTURE OF THE VINE," Thit i have for sale 10,000 Grape Roofs One Tear Old, at $50 per M. 20,000 Grape Cnttlnga at $7 50 per if bought in quantities ef not less than 800, for any less amount $1 00 per 100 cuttings will be charged. For more particular Information enquire at the Conservative Office, CHAS. BYER Feb3-2md 3 Jin Xiand Warrants Wanted! THE ADVERTISER only legally auOurutd Zand Warrant dealer in thit exit,) will pay the highest cash prices far all sizes of Land Warrants, or Rev.

bonn- ty fcrip. Oyiters served tip in every eemraoie ab mv A UiA ot I Mil ISO; till mm i mm Apply xo, or aaoress i. a. niuiLuf 1 Leavenworth. Uarch5-d2w-w2aa.

arnt icsTCVnVtofcouehtai the'nirhest snarkei A I u.viv HKL'iE. between Cherokee TTatcllmakers, Tools and NOTICE. TJ HEREAS, on the 3d day of July, 1862, A. I. Baker Vf of Lyon county, Kansas, was murdered by a band of guerillas, and his house and all his household effects either stolen or.

destroyed by fire, among which were certain certificates of indebtedness issued to A. I. Baker, by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs against the Sac and Fox Indians; and. application Jiasbeen made to the Department of the Interior for the issue of duplicate certificate! in lieu of those lost or destroyed: this therefore is to caution all persons against buying or trading for said It will be to the interest of all persons holding any certificate issued to Arthur I. Baker and against the Sac and Fox Indians, to notify me at once, at Council Grove, Kansas, of the number and amount of each certificate held by them.

TH0MA3 8. HCTFAKER, Administrator f6-4w Of the estate of Arthur I. Baker, deceased. Council Grove, Kansas, January 20th, 1863. state ot Aaron Hammer, Dee'd.

Cw street. 1J 1L SOLLS.Ea, WANTED, I WII POB S-A-IjB. A BUSINESS HOt'SE AND I.EAbE, on DeUware bet wevn Second and Third streets. Enquire of io-tf fcutuLAas.

For, Sale Oheapjiua Cry o. wO THE CONSERVATIVE, IS DO WW 021 A HOUSE, containing seven rooms, and possession on the 1st of April. Any person having such an one can have a good permanent -tenant. Apply, for particulars, at the i febl2dtf i CONSERVATIVE COTTONr AND7 V00L GOODS. 1ST COTTOlTAlDES, Yankee Notions, Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, AD OTIIEB GOODS IX OCR LINE.

We are now largely in stack and are prepared to efTor great inducements to close buyers. We solicit an exam, ination from all wishing purchase. HARMON, GALE CO. marcht-Sm WhangdoodlesMCopporhMds and V-1 REBELS OF ALL SORTS fc A r'''bl residence lots, in the city proper. alwava nn hand to select from.

Persons tmvinsr roods from ns will save money, as we buy Hit. choice arms, from 8 to 26 miles from the vr for CASH only, direct from the importers and manufacturers, thereby being able to sell at NEW YORK TRICES. Country watchmakers will always find every thing needed or the trade- "1 also, unimproved lands. er i IT IS FOR AND IUXI0XJ RENT. A FARM, one mile and a half South of Leavenworth Cityj ninety-acres in cultivation, seventy In past, ture.

Also, forty acres for" sale three miles Southwest of the city, and two lota in the city for sale. Call on the undersigned, at his residence, one and a half miles South of the city ef Lea venw ta. febt 43w D. H. MITCHELL.

it FOR A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE an4 -fonr twd Xott In Dailv, per Year, Watches and Jewelry repaired and Warranted, utd om ana suver oougnt at ine nignesx raxes. 'Ju, HERSHFIELD MITCHELL. TTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, one of J3( he executors of the above estate, will, at the April term of the Probate Court of the county ef Leavenworth, 1863, apply to the eonrt for the acceptance of his resig. attends such executor. mb-w4t WM.

B. COFFIN. Tri- Weekly. LMYCBVorUi Proper, the Cut ho lie C'burcb sahi itf johw nt-mar. AH JOHN C.


The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)


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