Session Fifty-Three — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)

Appearing Characters: Ash'alah, Delas Moonfang, Fandral Staghelm, Illidan Stormrage, Ishanah, Jarod Shadowsong, Maiev Shadowsong, Morra Starbreeze, Remnii, Seria, Shandris Feathermoon, Tichondrius, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Tyrande Whisperwind, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Velen

August 17th

As Maiev turns to look upon the possessed corpse of Tyrande with rage the less injured of Tol’vas’s dryads hurls a thorn javelin and draws some blood from the corrupted Tyrande’s cheek.

Uther’s hammer is wreathed with holy energy and he hurls it at Tyrande with a [Hammer of Wrath]. It collides with her, but some of the holy radiance does not seem to strike as deeply as he had desired.

Necrotic energy wreathes around Vel’s hand as she infuses herself with a [Death Coil] and quickly drinks a potion. As she dances around the pillar she had been beside she also extends her hand, using [Chill Touch], but Tichondrius spins Tyrande’s bow and deflects the attack aside.

Jarod draws a bow and fires two shots at the flying Tyrande while Maiev sprints forward and casts [Hunter's Mark] on her.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Your deception will fool no one any longer, demon!

She then hurls two daggers.

Maiev Shadowsong says: We need to get her on the ground!

Tyrande laughs as he flits higher into the air and fires at Remnii. He moves further away and then uses [Crown of Stars], energy coalescing into seven stars around her. One goes spiraling at Vel, but it explodes as Vel leaps over it, resulting in it hitting the ground instead.

The dryads continue to pepper the dreadlord with javelins as Tyrande looks down at Tol’vas.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: You didn’t think you could hide from your sins too, did you Tol’vas?

She fires a shot at the worgen as she soars over him, heading in Remnii’s direction. The Sprout of Life continues to launch seed-like acorns, which sprout and explode, but she is able to avoid them.

Seria soars after Tyrande and tries to encircle her, but her eyes glimmer and is just barely able to avoid her coils. Seria hisses angrily as Ash’alah races along the ground to Remnii’s side. Tyrande fires a shot at Remnii, who drops heavily against her staff as her death ward keeps her up. However, she is able to maintain concentration–though branches wrap around her and hold her in place. Uther uses lay on hands, knitting some of Remnii’s wounds together.

Illidan races forward and uses [Steel Wind Strike]. His glaives scrape against her arcane [Shield], but with a final surge of energy he breaks through.

Illidan Stormrage says: You’ll pay for this deception, demon, if it’s the last thing I do!

Tyrande is knocked back in the air, all of her effort needed to stay in the air. She wipes some blood from her chin.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: Come now, Illidan, you would never turn your blade against your love, would you?

She grins.

Illidan Stormrage says: You… will pay… for EVERYTHING YOU’VE DONE TO HER!

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: You’re all too late to stop what’s happening, but lets have a bit of fun! I wouldn’t mind seeing your despair manifest.

She casts [Bane] on Uther, Maiev, and Seria. However, as Remnii struggles against the branches, she casts [Mass Cure Wounds].

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: I really should have killed you when I had the chance, Remnii. Allow me to rectify that mistake.

Remnii continues to struggle against the branches, unable to break free, and Tol’vas casts [Rejuvenation] on her.

Illidan leaps onto the brazier and launches himself into the sky after Tyrande. She is thrown to the ground, and he follows up with another strike of his glaives. She tries to block with her bow, but he slashes past her.

Tyrande gets to her feet and starts to move away, but he manages to catch her as she retreats and jumps back into the air. She looks over at Uther.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: Do you know what forces you’re even contending with, paladin? Allow me to show you what you’re dealing with.

She raises a hand and closes it as she uses [Psychci Crush]. Uther feels a sharp pain in his mind, which pulses through his head. There are flashes of colors and writhing screams of agony. His mind starts to collapse under the pressure, but there is suddenly a bead of light in the darkness. Justice cannot stop. He drags that clarity forward as blood drips from his nose. Uther wipes the blood away.

Uther Menethil says: I think the problem here is you know exactly what forces you’re trifling with, and that’s why you work in the shadows. Like a coward.

Tyrande’s eyes narrow.

Possessed Body of Tyrande Whisperwind says: How curious. At least you won’t make it too easy.

She hurls one of the stars at Remnii and it slams into her chest. The wind is knocked out of her, and she feels pain in her ribs.

Tyrande sweeps through the air back to the center of the temple, and Tol’vas uses [Wrath] on her. The attack goes wide. Seria soars after Tyrande and tries to grab her again, but she is able to dodge out of the way of the winged serpent.

Ash’alah roars and claws through the branches on Remnii. She then turns to snarl at Tyrande and takes a running leap into the air to give Uther a boost into the air.

Maiev hurls daggers at Tyrande.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Bring her out of the sky!

Several of the daggers connect and scrape off her.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Seria, now!

Seria hisses and tries to wrap her coils around Tyrande again. She manages to do so, dragging Tyrande down as Uther leaps off Ash’alah’s back with his hammer wreathed with holy light. He swings again, pushing as much holy energy as he can through it. Tyrande tries to block with shadowy energy, but he pierces through it. Tyrande goes limp, and the ata’mal crystals fall away.

Uther tries to reach for them, but they whisk away and a claw grabs Uther’s hand. Shadows fall away, revealing a 12-foot tall demon. He has a muscular build, and his chin is lined with sharp, spiny protrusions. There are two horns curving from his skull, and large wings spread out in either direction.

Tichondrius says: Uh uh uh, those… belong to me.

Uther pulls his arm away, and the dreadlord stands before him in full might. Uther quickens a [Green-Flame Blade] and swings up. There is holy fire, and Tichondrius catches the head of the hammer. The energy wafts through his arm.

Tichondrius throws the hammer back and approaches with gleeful malice, slashing him across the side. He then grabs Uther and takes off into the air. Tichondrius uses necrotic embrace, drawing his hand over Uther’s face.

Tichondrius says: Come now, let me show you the face of real fear, Uther Menethil!

A translucent image appears as parts of Uther’s soul are drawn in, and he flits back further. Vel chases, and casts [Chill Touch], but the spell fizzles off his wings. More of Uther’s essence is drawn into Tichondrius.

Remnii tries to heal herself, but the pain in her ribs flares and she doubles over in pain. Jarod peppers Tichondrius with arrows.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Uther!

Seria flies through the air and hisses as she strikes with her fangs.

As Vel looks up at Tichondrius, her mind runs to a thousand different things she could do. She backs up, the effect waning, and she tries [Chill Touch] again–but the attack is ineffective.

Remnii heals herself with her channel divinity as Ash’alah starts to prowl around. Uther struggles against Tichondrius and manages to bring his hammer up with a blast of holy energy.

Illidan Stormrage says: Lets finish this.

Illidan runs over to the nearby brazier and launches himself into the air. He manages to slash Tichondrius’s wing, which causes the dreadlord to plummet. Tichondrius lands on one knee, Uther face down as the dreadlord uses the paladin to help break his fall.

Tichondrius slashes down at Illidan, but the demon hunter blocks. Tichondrius draws more of Uther’s essence into him.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Uther, now! While his attention is drawn!

Uther swings at Tichondrius as a dryad uses entangle. Vines wrap around Tichondrius, but he breaks free with virtually no effort. Tol’vas opts to drop his concentration on keeping the dryads present and uses wrath of nature instead.

Maiev growls in frustration as she gets enamored by Tichondrius’s aura.

Maiev Shadowsong says: We need to break through this!

Vel tries to back off, but Tichondrius grabs her.

Tichondrius says: Where do you think you’re going?

Vel glares at him and then uses [Blink] to get out of the demon's grasp. She then uses [Chill Touch], but the attack bounces harmlessly aside. Tichondrius looks at Maiev.

Tichondrius says: I liked you better when you were on my side.

Wisps of shadow wrap around her and the sprout of life, causing them to attack their allies. Jarod closes and swings at Tichondrius. Tol’vas uses [Calm Emotions] over the group, negating the charm effect over most of them.

Tichondrius moves toward Remnii and strikes with his claw, scooping her up.

Tichondrius says: So many delicious options. I don’t even know who to start with.

Illidan races at Tichondrius and casts Teleport], getting Remnii and Uther out of the claws. They reappear across the battlefield as Tichondrius tries to [Counterspell] the teleport–but Vel counterspells his counterspell.

Tichondrius looks at Vel.

Tichondrius says: Well then.

Illidan looks at Uther and Remnii.

Illidan Stormrage says: Are you alright?

Uther Menethil says: I’ve been worse.

Uther uses his sacred weapon channel divinity.

Tichondrius swings at Jarod, but Jarod is able to parry it. Remnii reaches out and uses [Greater Restoration] on Uther, healing away the strength that was drained away.

Remnii says: If you don’t need this yet, keep it with you.

She hands Uther the potion of supreme healing.

After Jarod blocks Tichondrius’s claw, he pivots around to the other side and slashes a handful of times under the dreadlord’s defenses. Illidan uses [Arcane Transformation], his glaives glowing a brilliant fel green. He starts to dance with Jarod, striking back and forth between the pair.

Tichondrius steps away from them.

Jarod Shadowsong says: No you don’t!

He strikes at Tichondrius, but Tichondrius bursts into a cloud of bat-like creatures that swarms past Uther and Remnii and reappears next to Tol’vas.

Tichondrius says: Did you think you were hiding?

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I wasn’t even trying.

Remnii casts [Power Word Fortitude] on herself, Uther, and Tol’vas. Tichondrius rushes Tol’vas and lifts him up, one of his claws impaled in the worgen’s side. Seria flies after Tichondrius and sinks her fangs into him, able to overcome the charm effect. Tichondrius, however, is focused on Tol’vas, and he saps his essence from him.

Maiev appears behind him and tries to resist the charm, but is unable to do so.

Vel runs to close the distance between herself and Uther, trying to get within his aura as she uses [Ossein Mend] on herself. Meanwhile, Tol’vas uses [Blink] to get out of Tichondrius’s grasp and then summons a worgen right in front of him. The worgen howls.

Uther races at Tichondrius and lands a solid two strikes. Ash’alah continues to stalk around the area, unable to approach. The worgen, likewise, tries to lunge forward, but it stops.

Seria tries to grab Tichondrius, but he’s moving too quickly.

Tichondrius says: I think it’s time we evened these odds. Come, my children!

Swarms of infernal locusts start to manifest around him, and Vel goes to [Counterspell] the [Carrion Swarm], but her hand freezes as she is unable to actually bring forth the magic due to his charm. The creatures swarm over the area, biting and gnawing. He moves into the center of the swarm, completely unaffected.

Maiev gets through the charm and dives into the center of the insects. She strikes into Tichondrius.

Remnii turns to the near-dying Tol’vas.

Remnii says: Get the figurine out of here and get it for me!

Tol’vas blinks and gets the figurine out of her back before stepping out of the swarm of insects. He throws it on the ground, and it shatters–forming into a sundancer. Tol’vas then uses [Roar] before darting away.

Uther swings into Tichondrius, but a gout of felfire rushes through him as he uses [Hellish Rebuke]. Uther hits him again. The biting insects continue to bite and sting. Jarod shouts out, and Maive swings into Tichondrius.

Vel manages to finally break free from the charm and uses [Transfusion]–her claws glowing magenta as she claws into the dreadlord with a snarl.

Tichondrius looks down at Vel.

Tichondrius says: What do you think you’re doing?

Vel just bares her fangs, and Tichondrius turns to Uther and slashes him–dropping him. He scoops Uther up.

Tichondrius says: Your soul is mine.

He starts to sap his soul essence, but Seria rams into him–interrupting the action. Illidan runs in and slams into Tichondrius as Ash’alah runs over to Tyrande’s corpse and works to defend it. Meanwhile, the sundancer runs over to Tol’vas and heals him.

Remnii uses [Mass Cure Wounds] over the group and then she backs off, out of the carrion swarm.

Jarod swings with his blades, cutting into Tichondrius, and Illidan follows up with several strikes. Meanwhile, the sundancer continues to heal Tol’vas.

Remnii says: We can’t take this anymore!

She casts [Exorcism], a pulse going through the hell wasps and dropping them to the ground. A bright beam of light radiates from Remnii, and then a projected column shoots through Tichondrius.

Remnii says: Be gone from this place!

Tichondrius laughs as his body starts to turn to dust.

Tichondrius says: You’re far too late. I accomplished my goal years ago–

He bursts into hellish bats that then turn into dust. Nothing remains of Tichondrius. Then they hear the sound of hooves approaching. Out through the entrance, they see a half-dozen satyrs emerge.

Reveling Satyr says: Kill them! Kill them all!

The group readies themselves, but suddenly they hear a pulse that reverberates through the air. The satyrs stop, and the temple rumbles, and a wall of incandescent light makes its way through the side of the temple. The satyrs stop, and then start to run, but as the wall hits them, they burst into golden dust.

The wave passes over the group harmlessly.

The adrenaline starts to fade, and they see the moonlight shine down through the windows and the ceilings, illuminating Tyrande’s body.

Illidan Stormrage says: It’s finished. The demon is banished.

Remnii rushes to Tyrande’s body to examine it. However, Illidan follows and gently lifts her body and starts to walk out of the building.

Jarod Shadowsong says: What do you think you’re doing, Stormrage?

Illidan looks back at him.

Illidan Stormrage says: I’m going to bring her back. Are you going to help?

He starts to walk again, straight towards Nordrassil.

Velameestra Windrunner says: We should likely regroup.

Remnii says: Chief Warden, if there are people still fighting, you should see to them. The demons are vanquished, but no more blood needs to be spilled.

Maiev Shadowsong says: You don’t expect me to let the Betrayer walk out with the High Priestess’s body–

Remnii says: You’re going to have to! You have a job, and so do we. Please.

Maiev Shadowsong says: …Very well.

Maiev takes off into a sprint to try and diffuse as much as she can while the rest of the group follows. Remnii sees to the group’s immediate injuries quickly, and they quickly catch up to Illidan as he heads towards the Well of Eternity.

Illidan starts to wade into the water.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Illidan, stop!

Illidan Stormrage says: Why?

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Because there are other ways!

Illidan Stormrage says: How can you be sure? We can’t take risks.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You’re taking the risk!

Illidan Stormrage says: You should know better than anyone that the kaldorei need her guidance.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You don’t know what will happen!

Illidan Stormrage says: I created this font of magic. I will do as I wish!

Tol’vas rushes forward, but they hear a sharp whistle and they see the bright violet hippogriff of Shandris, which lands. Fandral and Velen also emerge, as well as several Wardens.

Fandral Staghelm says: Moonshadow is right, Betrayer! You will stop right now!

Illidan Stormrage says: You can try, Fandral, but I won’t let you stand in the way of saving the High Priestess! Your vendetta be damned!

Velen says: Perhaps there is a way we can bring her back. The dreadlord’s machinations have weakened her soul, but if you would permit it, I may be able to draw it back.

Illidan Stormrage says: Then do it! I will do anything I can to help you! Use the well’s energies if you must!

Fandral Staghelm says: You can’t be serious!? No one person, not even the High priestess, is worth sacrificing the Well’s strength! The tree’s strength may never recover without it!

Illidan Stormrage says: It may never recover with it, archdruid! We will save her. You can try to stop me, if you can.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Stop! Everyone.

She looks at Velen.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Master Velen, do you believe the Well can help you? Can it help you bring her back?

Velen says: I believe it will. I cannot say what will happen to it. The strength it holds may be diminished or perhaps extinguished.

Fandral Staghelm says: Then we will seek another way! Without Nordrassil’s blessing the kaldorei stands to lose too much!

Shandris Feathermoon says: If our pride gives us pause, then perhaps we have lived too long, Archdruid.

Remnii says: Perhaps this is not the time, but you should know… night elves have been dying of old age already.

Fandral Staghelm says: That is precisely why we need the well’s strength!

Shandris looks at Velen.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Please. Do what you must. If there is a way for Nordrassil to recover, we will find it, but we won’t be able to do it without the High Priestess.

Fandral looks to the other gathered kaldorei.

Fandral Staghelm says: You doom our people, our legacy, and our oaths, general. Our promise. With it, Azeroth grows weaker. I hope that your mother’s life is worth it.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You sound like the highborne. They couldn’t let go either. When did the kaldorei stop seeing this new Well as shackles and start seeing it as a blessing?

Illidan Stormrage says: When they began to benefit from it. Not even the druids are immune to the swell of pride, and that much is obvious. We’ve wasted enough time. Velen. Please.

Velen nods and looks over to Remnii.

Velen says: Would you be willing to aid me? The degradation of her spirit will be strong.

Remnii says: I am all but spent in spellcasting, but whatever you need, vakas, I will be here.

Delas Moonfang says: If there is anything I can do to aid, I would.

Morra Starbreeze says: As will I.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I still have some power left within me.

Velen says: Let us waste no more time.

Illidan steps further into the Well and lays Tyrande on the surface of the water. He washes some of the blood from her face, and he lingers for a long moment before he steps back. Velen closes his eyes, and when they open, they shine with the same bright white-gold light as she begins the incantations. The magic snakes down his staff and into the ground. Remnii gives him the Ata’mal crystals, and they serve as a beacon of his magic as he channels through them–shooting to the center of the Well and circling Tyrande.

Remnii and other priests step forward, adding their prayers to Elune and the naaru. A number of other druids also kneel down and throw their strength into the earth to channel that power into the ritual. The air buzzes with that power.

Tol’vas kneels down, the scythe before him, and green energy spins around him as the foliage around him blooms. The magic joins with the others, and there is a harmony–a thrum of energy that connects him with energy.

Vel opens her spellbook as she feels the raw arcane strength of the well. She starts to chant softly, reading the incantations she had created to try and thin the veil and call to Tyrande’s dispersing spirit.

Illidan splashes water over his head, and his burning eyes look down at Tyrande.

Illidan Stormrage says: I would have done anything to prevent this from happening… you did not deserve to be alone, Tyrande. You never deserved solitude.

He takes his blindfold off, and he wraps them around Tyrande’s hands.

Illidan Stormrage says: Let this be a promise. If your goddess allows you to return to us, I will never let this happen again. I will never let you suffer in solitude. You have my word, and my heart.

His tattoos pulse with a small amount of magic. The ata’mal crystals continue to rotate, acting as a focus for all of the magic.

Remnii beseeches the naaru, and their strength flows through her, but there’s nothing they can do to help beyond her own power. She allows her own magic to flow, letting Velen carry her’s. Ishanah joins, focusing in on the ritual.

Shandris makes her way into the water, clutching Tyrande’s bow in her hands.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Min’do… you don’t have to suffer anymore. We’re going to find an’do… remember this?

She holds the bow out.

Shandris Feathermoon says: He made this for you. Brought from the boughs of the greatest trees in the Dream. His love is still with it. His love is still with you. My love is still with you. Please. Please come back to us.

She tucks the bow beneath Tyrande’s hands and gives her mother a kiss on the cheek before stepping back to stand next to Illidan.

Uther silently beseeches the Light for aid, focusing his magic through the connection to the Light. There’s something familiar about the magic wafting through the air, the beacon of Light mingling through the font of arcane power. He puts his body and soul behind the magic, and his mind wanders to all of the people who care about this woman. His thoughts go to his mother, and he realizes that Jaina too, if she was here right now, would be contributing her prayers to this. He was here for his mother too, as well as all of the others that care. He is just a conduit for that love and light.

There is a splash, and Ash’alah wades into the water. Her upper half is only just barely out of the water, and she looks at Tyrande mournfully. She gives her a tender lick upon her cheek, and a small nudge. She stays there.

The magic continues to flow and surge, almost imperceptible save for the flickering of the Ata’mal crystals as they rotate.

Then they watch as the waters in the Well grow brighter and brighter, becoming almost impossibly blue. It’s beautiful. Motes and wisps of energy float around and are joined by the spirits of the forest that have come to add their movements to the ritual. Dozens of small lights peer out from the corners of the bushes and shrubs.

Tyrande’s body sinks down, as if gently pulled beneath the surface of the waves. The magic grows bright and brighter and brighter, reaching its zenith.

Then there’s a pulse of magic, and the brightness begins to fade until there is no light left in the Well of Eternity.

There is a sudden gasp, and a splash of water. Her hair flung backwards as she emerges, they see Tyrande. She stands, her eyes blinking. No sooner does she stand than Ash’alah’s head is in her chest. Instinctively, Tyrande grabs the massive tiger’s head.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Ash’alah? You’re alive… I’m…

Her eyes travel up and see everything.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: It’s… over. It’s finally over.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Min’do?

Tyrande looks over and sees Shandris, and Tyrande smiles. Before she could say anything, Shandris is on her–her arms thrown around the other kaldorei.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I’m here. I’m here…

Many of the priestesses exhale sighs of relief, but others look to the Well. Its waters are now almost bereft of illumination.

Tyrande looks up at Illidan.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I suppose I have you to thank as well, Illidan.

Illidan looks at Tyrande.

Illidan Stormrage says: You don’t owe me anything, Tyrande. You never have.

Tyrande pulls away from Shandris, and wades over to Illidan. Without saying anything more, she pulls him into a hug. Illidan freezes, his hands out, but then they wrap around her. After a moment, she pulls away, and starts to wade towards the shore. She stumbles, but Ash’alah is there to catch her.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Thank you… sweet Ash’alah.

With Ash’alah’s help, she steps out of the water, with Illidan and Shandris not far behind.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I don’t know what to say. Thank you does not seem enough. And an apology would undoubtedly ring hollow…

Remnii says: We can start with hello. It’s nice to meet you.

Tyrande looks over to Remnii.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: It is.

Fandral Staghelm says: I believe that introductions can wait.

Fandral steps forward.

Fandral Staghelm says: Our people have lost. We have lost so much because of this. If it was not bad enough that the Legion's attention was drawn back, it was your weakness that allowed them to sabotage your people. We may never recover. We’ve broken our oaths to the dragons. And for what?

Fandral looks around at the gathered crowd.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: No oath was broken here that I understand. Did we lose the Well to an enemy we are not aware of?

Fandral Staghelm says: Open your eyes, boy! Nordrassil is dying, and perhaps the only thing that could save it is now drained of its power.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: The Well that never should have been in the first place.

Fandral Staghelm says: And it would not have, were it not for the intervention of someone whose hand is rather red.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: And now it’s gone, and our people are still here.

Fandral Staghelm says: We must safeguard ourselves against such things in the future.

Uther Menethil says: How do you plan to do that?

Fandral Staghelm says: I’m glad you asked, human. For the safety of the kaldorei people, I propose Tyrande Whisperwind be stripped of her title and exiled. Should such a thing happen again, there will not be a recovery.

Uther Menethil says: Ah yes, because you handily destroyed Tichondrius right now?

Fandral Staghelm says: This matter does not concern you, human.

Uther Menethil says: But it does!

Remnii says: Uther, we should let them speak.

She puts her hand on Uther’s shoulder and Tol’vas and Fandral start to argue.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Were you not fooled along with everyone else?

Fandral Staghelm says: You think the demon had me fooled? Why did I aide you, Moonshadow, or is it a habit of mine to aid prisoners and those who have no right to walk amongst our sacred groves. Tyrande is an example of what must never happen to the kaldorei people! Such fervent blind worship is what caused the Sundering in the first place. The kaldorei have no need for a queen. We have proven that much.

Uther Menethil says: Perhaps a king then.

Fandral Staghelm says: You think I seek power, human?

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You blatantly said as much earlier when you were more worried about the Well!

Fandral Staghelm says: I seek the strength of all our people.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It just conveniently places you near the top.

Fandral Staghelm says: I should tear that tongue from your mouth.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I dare you to try.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I am still here, and I would much prefer you not speak as if I was not, Archdruid Staghelm. You raise a great many points, Archdruid. I failed our people. I allowed myself to be defeated by Tichondrius, and because of this he used my influence to keep our people in a chokehold for… a decade. The damage of which will cause ramifications that may never be fully healed. In many ways you’re right. Maybe I did become what I hate. But I know the sins that were committed with my hands. I know the darkness I was forced to commit. And none understand my failures more than I do. Allow me to end this discussion then. Archdruid Staghelm, I accept your judgment. Perhaps I have served as High Priestess for long enough. Perhaps you are right.

Maiev Shadowsong says: What!?

They hear Maiev exclaim from the fringes of the crowd, having just returned from trying to disperse the remainders of the fighting.

Maiev Shadowsong says: You can’t be serious, Tyrande.

Tyrande gives Maiev a sad smile.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I am. We’ve grown complacent, and that complacency allowed Tichondrius to use my influence against all our people. We suffered for it at my hands. I have but one request before I depart these lands. Would you accept this, at least, Archdruid?

Fandral Staghelm says: You may speak, Tyrande Whisperwind.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I would give a recommendation.

She walks over and takes Maiev’s hands.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: 10,000 years ago when my mentor died and the light of Elune darkened, it was not I, but Maiev who led us. Who acted as the High Priestess, and who graciously stepped down when I was chosen to fill the role. There are few others, I believe, that know what it takes to recover from such hardship, and few I can think of who would know what must be done to protect our people.

Maiev blinks, looking surprised.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Tyrande, I… I don’t know what to say.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: A yes could help. Though that, of course, depends on the Archdruid and the rest of the priestesses. I no longer have a say in the matter.

Fandral scowls.

Fandral Staghelm says: I have no input. I trust the priestesses will elevate someone trustworthy to the position. The High Warden has proved herself trustworthy and will receive no complaint from myself. Nor any of the others.

Maiev takes a deep breath.

Maiev Shadowsong says: I… I accept. For now. The Sisterhood of Elune will convene and speak of more permanent solutions. But for now… yes. I will do this.

Maiev turns to Remnii and Velen.

Maiev Shadowsong says: But first there are things that must be done.

She drops her helmet on the ground.

Maiev Shadowsong says: When the Violet Star came 15 years ago, it was the arrival of your people that heralded all of this. We blamed you for it. Your people have lost many lives at our hands, and some at yours as well–though I perhaps know not what to believe what was yours, and what was the machinations of the demon. But now we must move forward.

Maiev kneels down before the two draenei, and bows before them.

Maiev Shadowsong says: You have my apologies for the lives that have been taken. For the hardships we have felt, so too have you. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, knowing it is not warranted.

Velen and Remnii look at each other.

Remnii says: High Priestess Maiev, please raise your head. Your apology is accepted on the terms we may work together to make things right. The mighty of kaldorei… I heard about you long before I even came to this world. I came from Broxigar’s world first, touched too by the Legion, and yet stories of the kaldorei and their strength were not to be underestimated. Let us move forward together. For an Azeroth that can openly speak and discuss… and perhaps not forget, but perchance be able to forge new bonds.

Maiev raises her head as Remnii offers a hand. She looks at the hand, but she doesn’t take it as she stands.

Maiev Shadowsong says: There are things that must be done before that. Release all of the prisoners under the jurisdiction of the draenei. Likewise, ensure all those captured during their escape are returned to them, and do so quickly. They have suffered enough at our hands. See to it their belongings are returned, and they are brought before their families if their families are still present.

Maiev looks around.

Maiev Shadowsong says: We will send a contingent to the isles where the vessel crashed. Relief, if we can. We will show you what we know of the land, and perhaps aid you in repairing your vessel if such a thing is possible. That is beyond my knowledge.

Remnii says: In turn, I hope we can undo some of the damage that was done by the crash of the Exodar.

Maiev Shadowsong says: There is much to do, and little time to do it.

Jarod steps forward.

Jarod Shadowsong says: High Priestess, I would like to make myself useful. Let me help you. I spent time with the draenei, perhaps I can lead the relief effort. Help those who are still stranded. Rebuild their homes and their lives. Help make it so the draenei can stop running for a bit.

Maiev looks at Jarod and scowls.

Maiev Shadowsong says: You disappear for years… coming back only briefly and now you’re offering to help? You really haven’t changed, have you, brother?

Jarod Shadowsong says: I have. More than you might realize.

Maiev Shadowsong says: We can use all the aid we can have, Jarod. Your help is appreciated. As for you.

She turns to Illidan.

Maiev Shadowsong says: I believe you’ve done enough.

Illidan Stormrage says: Don’t worry, Maiev Shadowsong, High Priestess. I have no intention of staying here.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Then you’ll save me the trouble of asking you to leave. Tyrande, may Elune watch you when you leave.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I would prefer her keep her gaze here. I will leave within the week. I simply wish to take care of a few things and say goodbye to my beloved. I suspect that will be acceptable, Archdruid?

Fandral Staghelm says: Very well. Though I advise you travel with an escort. Can you see that is arranged, High Priestess?

Maiev Shadowsong says: It will be done. Worry not, Archdruid.

Maiev turns to the bigger group.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Why are you standing here? There are wounded to tend to, and damage to be rectified. It’s going to be a long night.

The group, and Maiev, turns to leave, but she stops for a second to look at the rest of the party. She sighs.

Maiev Shadowsong says: The kaldorei owe you. As loathe as I am to admit it.

Uther Menethil says: Like it or not, High Priestress, we all share this world. We stand to gain more from working together than attempting to fight.

Maiev Shadowsong says: Perhaps you’re right, Menethil.

Maiev turns, and leaves. Tyrande takes a deep breath.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Well. I suppose I am in need of a destination.

Uther Menethil says: If we hurry, we can make it back to Lordaeron before the leaves change. It’s quite beautiful.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: So I’ve been told.

Tyrande looks at Uther.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: You are Uther Menethil.

Uther Menethil says: I am. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I apologize our last meeting was on less ideal circ*mstances.

Uther Menethil says: Well, it wasn’t really you.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: No it was not. I hope you do not hold it against me. The words he said with my lips…

Uther Menethil says: Think nothing of it. We can start from here.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I would like to speak with you more at length. I don’t know if you knew this, but I was friends with your mother through a series of circ*mstances that elude my understanding.

Uther Menethil says: Yes. I’ve been made away. They’ve eluded my understanding as well.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Perhaps we can glean some insight together. You have her eyes.

Uther Menethil says: Something I am told often, and never tire of.

Tyrande then looks at Tol’vas, who had been rejoined by the worgen he had summoned.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: As for you, I did not think I would be so glad to see you, especially in this state. But I know what you did, and I heard the words you said. And I understand what I’m saying is similar to what he did… but he knew everything. My life. My fears. Had I been the one in control, perhaps you would have had a different cause to speak on.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I had expected a much different reunion…

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Perhaps had I the authority to do so, I would encourage you to be brought back to the Dream, but I find myself bereft of authority. So, my opinions don’t matter.

Tol’vas smiles.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I suppose they don’t.

Shandris approaches after finishing her delegations.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Min’do, I’m going to figure this out.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Shandris, there is nothing to figure out.

Shandris Feathermoon says: Yes there is. We’ll figure this out. I’ll come with you--

Tyrande interrupts Shandris by placing her hands on her shoulders.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Shandris, I need you to stay here. To watch over everything and ensure Maiev has the support she needs. And I need someone to keep an eye on Archdruid Staghelm.

Shandris Feathermoon says: ...What do you mean?

Tyrande Whisperwind says: He’s not a fan of myself or your father. Long have I suspected ulterior motives behind his hatred. I accepted his proposal for many reasons, but one of them is I am going to find Malfurion. I have searched these woods as much as I can, but he’s not here, and I won’t return until I bring your father back to you. You can help me, my beloved child, by helping our people. I will handle the rest. After all, I suddenly find myself with a great deal of free time. I have to occupy it with something.

Illidan Stormrage says: Funny you should mention that. During my imprisonment, I got a fan club.

Tyrande narrows her eyes.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I know this. The demon hunters. I know the High Priestess intercepted one and slew him. There are more?

Illidan Stormrage says: There are. And I think they’re our option if we are seeking my brother.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Do you believe this is a good first place to seek? Would you mind my company?

Illidan Stormrage says: I would never mind your company. As long as the others are fine with it. Once we speak with Kor’vas.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: You’re kind. I would like to see Lordaeron, some day, Uther. But I would want furion to see it with me.

Uther Menethil says: Of course.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: But we have a week before I am chased out of these woods. After which I suppose I’ll need to find a ship.

Uther Menethil says: I may be able to help there as well.

Tyrande co*cks her head to the side.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I’m sorry for having to rely on you all so much. I fear the debt will be far more than I could make up in your lifetime, my friend.

Uther Menethil says: Collecting debts doesn’t interest me. Something tells me you’re as interested in saving this world as I am, and to me that’s enough.

Tyrande smiles.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I believe all of us have earned some rest.

She looks to the rest of the group.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I personally am exhausted.

Ash’alah nudges Tyrande.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I’m fine, I can walk myself.

Ash’alah gets under her and Tyrande is on her back before she can protest.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I... suppose I am not. We can speak more once we are rested. Come. There are places where you can recover your strength in the fortifications. I may not be the High Priestess, but I still have friends.

They start to follow after Tyrande, and Vel messages her aunt to inform her she was alright before she digs in her satchel to check her vials. Inside five of the enchanted ones, she sees blood that looks like liquid shadow.

Session Fifty-Three — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.